Q. Why base class destructor must be virtual?
A. A base class destructor must be virtual. The reason is if the derived class object is deleted using a base class pointer, the program will be ill-formed( Base class destructor may only be called ), if base class destructor is not virtual.
The above rule will only make the program correct if we are NOT deleting the array of objects( ie delete[] ). If we use it the program may be ill-formed.
struct Base
virtual ~Base(){ cout << "~Base()" << endl; }
void operator delete[](void* pObj, size_t){ cout << "Base::delete[] operator" << endl;
::delete [] pObj; }
void operator delete(void* pObj ){ cout << "Base::delete() operator" << endl;
::delete pObj; }
struct Derived : Base
~Derived(){ cout << "~Derived()" << endl; }
void operator delete[](void* pObj, size_t){ cout << "Derived::operator delete[]" << endl;
::delete [] pObj; }
void operator delete(void* pObj ) { cout << "Derived::operator delete()" << endl;
::delete pObj; }
int main()
cout << "Creating one derived class object"<
delete pBase; // Deleting a derived class object with base class pointer
cout << "Creating array of derrived class objects";
Base* BasePointer = new Derived[3];
delete[] BasePointer; // Deleting array of derived class objects with base class pointer
In the above program the delete pBase guarantees the proper deallocation of the memory. But the delete[] BasePointer is not assured to be working. The usage of delete[] BasePointer may make the program ill-formed.
If you run the above program it will output:
Creating one derived class object
Derived::operator delete()
Creating array of derrived class objects~Derived()
The derived class object is deallocated using base class's deallocation function.
This usage is strictly disallowed by C++98 standards.
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